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First Line and Common Title Index

0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
A Child Is Born in Bethlehem
A Child Is Born unto Us/Un Niño Nos Ha Nacido
A Christmas Gloria
A Mighty Fortress
A Place at Your Table
A Rightful Place
A savior has been born
A Voice Cries Out
Abba! Father
Abide with Me
Abre Mis Ojos/Open My Eyes
Act Justly
Acto Penitencial con Invocaciones (Penitential Act with Invocations) (Misa Santa Fe)
Adeste Fideles
Adoro Te Devote
Advent Gospel Acclamation (Wright)
Advent Gospel Acclamation (Prendergast/Sullivan)
Advent Litany
Aférrate al Amor/Hold On to Love
Again We Keep This Solemn Fast
Age to Age
Agnus Dei
Al Partir el Pan/When We Eat This Bread
Alégrense y llénense de gozo
All Are Welcome (Haugen)
All Are Welcome (Manibusan)
All around us we have known you
All Creatures of Our God and King
All Glory, Laud, and Honor
All Good Gifts
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
All Hail, Adored Trinity
All Is Well with My Soul
All People That on Earth Do Dwell
All Praise and Glad Thanksgiving
All Shall Be Well
All That Is Hidden
All That We Have Seen
All the Earth
All the Ends of the Earth (B. Hurd)
All the Ends of the Earth (B. Hurd)
All the Ends of the Earth (Dufford)
All the fair beauty of the earth
Alleluia (Belmont Mass)
Alleluia (Inwood)
Alleluia (Mass of Christ the Savior)
Alleluia (Mass of Renewal)
Alleluia (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
Alleluia (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene)
Alleluia (Mass of the Resurrection)
Alleluia No. 1
Alleluia, alleluia (Celtic Mass)
Alleluia, alleluia! Give thanks to the risen Lord (Alleluia No. 1; Fishel)
Alleluia, his triumph we sing
Alleluia! Alleluia (C. Walker)
Alleluia! Alleluia (HYMN TO JOY)
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia (O FILII ET FILIAE)
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia (VICTORY)
Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise (HOLY ANTHEM)
Alleluia! Give the Glory (Gathering Song)
Alleluia! Give the Glory (Gospel Acclamation)
Alleluia! Give the Glory (Mass of Glory)
Alleluia! He Is Risen
Alleluia! Love Is Alive
Alleluia! Raise the Gospel
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
Amazing Grace
Amén (Amen) (Misa Santa Fe)
Amen (Belmont Mass)
Amen (Chant Mass)
Amen (Heritage Mass)
Amen (Mass of Christ the Savior)
Amen (Mass of Creation)
Amen (Mass of Glory)
Amen (Mass of Renewal)
Amen (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
Amen (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene)
Amen (Mass of the Resurrection)
Amen, Let It Be Done
Amén. El Cuerpo de Cristo
America the Beautiful
Amor de Dios/O Love of God
An Irish Blessing
And God said, “I am with you”
And he will raise you up on eagle’s wings
And holy, holy, holy is his name
And I will raise you up
And to tell the world that God’s kingdom is near
And we cry: “Holy! Holy! Holy are you!”
Ang Katawan ni Kristo/Behold the Body of Christ
Ángeles Cantando Están/Angels We Have Heard on High
Angels We Have Heard on High/Ángeles Cantando Están
Angels, from the Realms of Glory
Are You Ready to Drink the Cup
Angels, saints and nations sing
As Christ Is for Us
As Christ to the World
As Grains of Wheat
As I Have Done for You
As I went down to the river to pray
As light is to darkness (
As Morning Breaks (Angrisano)
As morning breaks I look to you (Joncas)
As the Deer (B. Farrell)
As the Deer Longs (B. Hurd)
As the Deer Longs (O WALY WALY)
As We Gather at Your Table
As with Gladness Men of Old
Ashes (Conry)
Ashes to Ashes (Schutte)
At that first Eucharist, before you died
At the Cross Her Station Keeping/Stabat Mater Dolorosa
At the Lamb’s High Feast
At the Name of Jesus (C. Walker)
At the Name of Jesus (KING’S WESTON)
Attende Domine
Ave Maria (Chant)
Ave Maria (Norbet)
Ave Verum Corpus
Awake, My Soul, Awake
Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria
Ave Maria (Angrisano/Quinn)
Awake from your slumber
Away in a Manger
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Baptized in Water
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Be Joyful, Mary
Be Merciful, O Lord
Be Not Afraid
Be Not Far from Me
Be Still and Know That I Am God
Be Still, My Soul
Be Thou My Vision
Be with Me (Haugen)
Be with Me, Lord (Joncas)
Beautiful Is Your Love
Beautiful Savior
Because the Lord Is My Shepherd
Behold the Body of Christ/Ang Katawan ni Kristo
Behold the Cross
Behold the Lamb (Willett)
Behold the Lamb of God (Dufford)
Behold the Wood (Schutte)
Behold the wood of the cross (Alstott)
Behold the wood of the Cross (English Chant Mass)
Belmont Mass (Full Setting)
Benedictus (Angrisano/Stephan)
Benedictus (B. Farrell)
Benedictus (FOREST GREEN)
Benedictus (Schutte)
Beyond the Days
Beyond the Moon and Stars
Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord, O my soul
Blessed and Beloved/Bienaventurados
Blessed are the poor in spirit, longing for their Lord
Blessed are they who are poor in spirit
Blessed Are You/Mapapalad Kayo
Blessed be God (Caniglia)
Blessed be our God
Blessed be the Lord
Blessed by Your Sacrifice
Blessed Feasts of Blessed Martyrs
Blessed Savior, pour upon us living streams of water
Blessed the People
Blessing of Baptismal Water (English Chant Mass)
Blessing Prayer
Blessing: Evening Prayer
Blessing: Morning Prayer
Blest are those invited
Blest be the God of Israel who comes to set us free
Blest Be the Lord
Blest Be the Star
Blest be the Lord, the God of Israel
Bread for the immigrant
Bread for the World
Bread from Heaven/Pan del Cielo
Bread of Angels
Bread of Life (Advent/Christmas Setting) (B. Farrell)
Bread of Life (B. Farrell)
Bread of Life (Fisher)
Bread of Life (Stephan)
By All Your Saints Still Striving
By Our Love
By the Waking of Our Hearts
By this sign may you receive Christ’s love
Canticle of Mary (Alstott)
Canticle of Mary (B. Farrell)
Canticle of Mary (NEW BRITAIN)
Canticle of Mary (Rieth)
Canticle of Mary (Rubalcava)
Canticle of Mary (STAR OF THE COUNTY DOWN/Cooney)
Canticle of Mary (Talbot)
Canticle of Simeon (Whitaker)
Canticle of the Free
Canticle of the Sun
Canticle of the Turning
Canticle of Zachary (Farrell)
Canticle of Zachary (FOREST GREEN)
Canticle of Zechariah (Angrisano/Stephan)
Canticle of Zechariah (B. Farrell)
Canticle of Zechariah (FOREST GREEN)
Canticle of Zechariah (Schutte)
Carry Me Home
Cast aside all your fear and dread
Celtic Alleluia
Celtic Alleluia: Sending Forth
Center of My Life
Change Our Hearts
Child of the Poor
Children, don’t grow weary
Christ Be beside Me
Christ before Us
Christ in Me Arise
Christ Is Arisen
Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
Christ Our Light Has Come
Christ our Light, illuminate
Christ the Lord
Christ, Be Our Light (Easter Vigil Text)
Christ, be our light. Christ, be our guide (Muglia)
Christ, Be Our Light/Sé Nuestra Luz
Christ, Circle Round Us
Christ, Shine in Our Lives
Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Again (CHRIST IST ERSTANDEN)
Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today (LLANFAIR)
Christ, the Lord, Is Risen Today (VICTIMAE PASCHALI)
Christians, Let Us Love One Another
Christians, to the Paschal Victim/Victimae Paschali Laudes
Christmas Season Gospel Acclamation
Church of God, Elect and Glorious
City of God
Clamamos: ¡Santo, Santo, Santo eres tú!
Cold are the people, winter of life
Cold Was the Stable
Come, All You Thirsty
Come and be filled here at this table
Come and Follow Me
Come as We Journey/Santa María del Camino
Come Down, O Love Divine
Come home, come home
Come Now, Almighty King
Come Now, Emmanuel
Come to Me (Weston Priory/Norbet)
Come to Me and Drink (B. Hurd)
Come to the feast of heaven and earth
Come to the Feast/Ven al Banquete (B. Hurd)
Come to the River (Mass of Glory)
Come to the Water
Come to Us, O God/Stay with Us, O Lord
Come to us, you who say, “I will not forget you”
Come, and worship the Lord, for we are his people
Come, Christians, Join to Sing
Come, come to the banquet
Come, come, Emmanuel
Come, Creator! Come, Spirit Blessed/Veni, Creator Spiritus
Come, Emmanuel
Come, Follow Me
Come, Holy Ghost
Come, Lord Jesus (Ridge)
Come, Lord, come Lord Jesus (Westphal)
Come, Lord! Maranatha
Come, Now Is the Time to Worship
Come, O Holy Spirit (HYMN TO JOY)
Come, O Holy Spirit, Come/Veni Sancte Spiritus (Chant)
Come, O Radiant Dawn
Come, Show Us How to Live
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Come, Worship the Lord
Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
Comfort, Comfort, O My People
Companions on the Journey
Compassion Walks the City Street
Con Estas Cenizas, Señor/With Ashes and Sorrow
Console my people, the ones dear to me
Cordero de Dios (Lamb of God) (Misa Santa Fe)
Create in Me (B. Hurd)
Create in Me (Cortés)
Create in Me (Kendzia)
Creator of the Stars of Night
Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Cuando Partimos el Pan del Señor (B. Hurd)
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Daniel 3: Glory and Praise for Ever (T.R. Smith)
Danos Tu Paz/Give Us Your Peace
Darkness hangs, the world is aching
Day Is Done
Day of Peace
Deep Peace
Dios Está Aquí/Our God Is Here
Dismissal (Go and Announce)
Dismissal (Go Forth)
Dismissal (Go in Peace, Glorifying the Lord)
Divine Praises
Dismissal (Go in Peace)
Dismissal: Easter Solemn
Dona Nobis Pacem (Norbet)
Dona Nobis Pacem (Traditional)
Down in Adoration Falling
Down in Adoration Falling/Tantum Ergo
Down to the River to Pray
Draw near to us, Lord Jesus
Drawn to You
Dwelling Place
Eagle’s Wings
Earthen Vessels
Easter Sequence (Chant)
Easter Sequence (DeBruyn)
Easter Vigil: Lucernarium (English Chant Mass)
Eat This Bread
Eating your body, drinking your blood
El Cáliz que Bendecimos/Our Blessing-Cup
El que come mi cuerpo
El Señor Es Mi Pastor/The Lord Is My Shepherd
En el amor hay ilusión
En este momento y en este lugar
Endless Is Your Love
English Chant Mass (Full Setting)
Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving
Enter the Journey
Envía Tu Espíritu
Eternal Father, Strong to Save
Evening Hymn: O Radiant Light
Every fox, a den; every bird, a nest
Every Moment of Each Day
Every Valley
Exaudi Nos/Hear Us, O Lord
Exodus 15: Canticle of the Free (J. Whitaker)
Exposition/O Saving Victim
Eye Has Not Seen
Faith of Our Fathers
Far Away in a Manger
Father, I Put My Life in Your Hands
Father, into Your Hands (B. Hurd)
Father, into Your Hands (Foster)
Father, We Praise You
Festival Canticle: Worthy Is Christ
Flow River Flow
Fly Like a Bird
For All Once Broken
For All the Saints
For Ever I Will Sing
For many are we
For the Beauty of the Earth
For the Fruits of This Creation
For the Healing of the Nations
For You Are My God
Forty Days and Forty Nights
From All That Dwell Below the Skies
From death to life: I no longer live
From Dust We Came, to Dust Return
From the Depths We Cry to Thee
Funeral Litany
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Gather at the Water
Gather the People (Schutte)
Gather Us In
Gather Your People (B. Hurd)
Gentle woman, quiet light
Gift of Finest Wheat
Give Me Ears to Listen
Give Me Jesus
Give Thanks to the Lord (Schutte)
Give Thanks to the Lord (T.R. Smith)
Give to the LORD, you children of God
Give Us Your Peace/Danos Tu Paz
Gloria (Chant Mass)
Gloria (English Chant Mass)
Gloria (Glory to God) (Misa Santa Fe)
Glory and Praise for Ever
Glory and Praise to Our God
Glory in the Cross
Glory to God (Belmont Mass)
Glory to God (Heritage Mass)
Glory to God (Mass of Christ the Savior)
Glory to God (Mass of Creation)
Glory to God (Mass of Glory)
Glory to God (Mass of Renewal)
Glory to God (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
Glory to God (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene)
Glory to God (Mass of the Resurrection)
Glory to God (Misa Santa Fe)
Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Mass of Renewal)
Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
Glory to you, O Word of God (Mass of Renewal)
Glory to you, Word of God (Mass of Christ the Savior)
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah
Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord (English Chant Mass)
Go forth, the Mass is ended (English Chant Mass)
Go forth, the Mass is ended, alleluia, alleluia (English Chant Mass)
Go in peace (English Chant Mass)
Go in Peace (Hart/Liles)
Go in peace to serve the world (C. Walker)
Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life (English Chant Mass)
Go Make a Difference
Go Make of All Disciples
Go Out to All the World (Canter)
Go Out, Go Out (Stephan)
Go, Tell It on the Mountain
God Be in My Head
God Has Chosen Me
God Is Love
God Mounts His Throne
God of all the hungry millions
God of Day and God of Darkness
God of love, your gift of peace is planted
God of Mercy (Manalo/B. Hurd)
God of Our Fathers
God of the Hungry
God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen
God So Loved
God, Beyond All Names
God, My God, Come to My Aid
God, We Praise You
God’s Holy Gifts
Godhead Here in Hiding
Good Christian Friends, Rejoice
Good Friday Solemn Intercessions
Gospel Canticle (Benedictus)
Gospel Canticle (Magnificat)
Gracious God
Grant Them Eternal Rest
Great is your faithfulness, O God of Jacob
Gusten y Vean/Taste and See
Hail Mary: Gentle Woman
Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise
Hail, Holy Queen
Hail, Mary (Chant, Mode I)
Hail, Mary, Mother and Queen (Chant, Mode V)
Hail, Redeemer, King Divine
Hail, true body! Holy Body
Hallelujah Is Our Song
Happy saint, in bliss adoring
Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
Have Mercy, Son of David
Have Mercy on Us, Lord
Have mercy, O God, in your love
Hazme un instrumento de tu paz
He Is Risen/Resucitó
Healed in Christ
Healing River of the Spirit
Hear My Prayer
Hear Us, O Lord/Exaudi Nos
Helpless and hungry, lowly he lies
Here am I among you as one who serves
Here at This Table
Here I Am (Booth)
Here I Am (Cooney)
Here I Am, Lord (Schutte)
Here in this place new light is streaming
Here in this time, here in this place
Here in your presence the greatest are least
Here is your God
Heritage Mass (Full Setting)
Hold On to Love/Aférrate al Amor
Holy (Belmont Mass)
Holy (Heritage Mass)
Holy (Mass of Christ the Savior)
Holy (Mass of Creation)
Holy (Mass of Glory)
Holy (Mass of Renewal)
Holy (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
Holy (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene)
Holy (Mass of the Resurrection)
Holy (Misa Santa Fe)
Holy and Living Bread/Panis Angelicus
Holy Darkness
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
Holy Is His Name
Holy Patron, Thee Saluting
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, Come Now/Santo Espíritu, Ven
Holy Wisdom, Lamp of Learning
Holy, Holy, Holy
Hosanna to the Son of David (Chant)
Hosanna to the Son of David (Schutte)
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna on high
How Can I Keep from Singing
How far from our sight
How Firm a Foundation
How Great Thou Art
How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place (DeBruyn)
How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place (Joncas)
How many are your works, O Lord
Humbly, Lord, We Worship You
Hymn to Christ the King
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I Am the Bread of Life (Angrisano/Booth)
I Am the Bread of Life (Toolan)
I am the vine and you the branches
I am the Word that spoke and light was made
I believe in one God, the Father almighty
I believe, I believe I shall see the goodness of the Lord
I dream of a morning in springtime, bright with sunshine
I fall on my knees to the Father of Jesus
I Have Been Anointed
I Have Loved You
I Heard the Voice of Jesus
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (DUKE STREET)
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Soper)
I Know That My Redeemer Lives ( J. Whitaker)
I know there will be a day of peace
I Lift Up My Soul
I Love the Lord (Inwood)
I Love You, Lord, My Strength (Honoré)
I Received the Living God
I Saw Water Flowing (Stephan)
I Saw Water Flowing (McKinley)
I saw water flowing from the Temple (English Chant Mass)
I Shall Live in the House of the Lord
I Sing the Mighty Power of God
I sing to God, triumphant is he
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light
I Will Always Thank the Lord
I will bless the Lord at all times
I Will Choose Christ
I will never forget you
I Will Praise You, Lord
I Will Praise Your Name (Soper)
I Will Rest in You
I Will Walk with the Lord
I, the Lord (Kendzia)
I, the Lord of sea and sky (Schutte)
I, your Lord and Master, now become your servant
If God Is for Us
If Today You Hear His Voice (Soper)
If you eat of my flesh
If you would follow me
Immaculate Mary
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
In Christ Alone
In Christ There Is No East or West
In cordis iubilo (A Child Is Born in Bethlehem)
In cordis iubilo (Puer Natus in Bethlehem)
In Every Age (T.R. Smith)
In Every Age (Whitaker)
In every place and time
In God Alone
In God’s Perfect Time
In His Temple Now Behold Him
In him there is no darkness at all
In Paradisum/May Angels Guide You (Chant)
In the Bleak Midwinter
In rock where time had carved a cave
In the bread, blessed, broken and shared
In the Breaking of the Bread (B. Hurd)
In the Breaking of the Bread (T.R. Smith)
In the Day of the Lord
In the morning when I rise
In These Days of Lenten Journey
In This Place
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
Intercessions (Inwood)
Intercessions (Joncas)
Intercessions: Prayer in the Evening (Inwood)
Intercessions: Prayer in the Morning (Joncas)
Invitatory: Psalm 95
Irish Blessing
Isaiah 12: Ustedes Sacarán Agua (Reza)
Isaiah 12: We Shall Draw Water (Inwood)
Isaiah 49
It Came upon the Midnight Clear
It is well with my soul
Jerusalem, My Happy Home
Jesu, Jesu
Jesu, Joy of Our Desiring
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Jesus, hold me in peace (Whitaker)
Jesus Is Risen
Jesus to Jordan’s Waters Came
Jesus, I trust in you
Jesus, Jesus, precious Savior
Jesus, Jesus, you are the way
Jesus, Jesus! Oh how beautiful is your love
Jesus, Meek and Humble
Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
Jesus, on the mountain peak, stands alone in glory blazing
Jesús, Recuérdame
Jesus, Remember Me
Jesus, the Lord
Jesus, you are the healing
Jesus, you are truly the Savior of the world
Jesus. Jesus. Let all creation bend the knee
Join in the Dance
Joy to the World
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Jubilate Deo
Jubilosos, Te Adoramos
Justice Shall Flourish
Kapayapaan, Peace Be with You
Keep in Mind
Keep Me in Your Heart
Keep Me Safe, O God
Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning
Kyrie (Chant Mass)
Kyrie eleison (Mass of the Resurrection)
Kyrie Litany
Kyrie, Eleison
Kyrie, Eleison (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene)
Kyrie, Eleison/Lord, Have Mercy (Mass of Christ the Savior)
Kyrie, Eleison/Lord, Have Mercy (Mass of Renewal)
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Lamb of God
Lamb of God (Belmont Mass)
Lamb of God (Heritage Mass)
Lamb of God (Kendzia)
Lamb of God (Mass of Christ the Savior)
Lamb of God (Mass of Creation)
Lamb of God (Mass of Glory)
Lamb of God (Mass of Renewal)
Lamb of God (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
Lamb of God (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene)
Lamb of God (Mass of the Resurrection)
Lamb of God (Misa Santa Fe)
Latin Chant Mass (Full Setting)
Laudate, Laudate Dominum
Lead Me, Guide Me
Lead Me, Lord
Led by the Spirit
Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Belmont Mass)
Lenten Gospel Acclamation (C. Walker)
Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Mass of Christ the Savior)
Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Mass of Glory)
Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Mass of Renewal)
Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene)
Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Mass of the Resurrection)
Les He Lavado los Pies/I Have Washed Your Feet
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Let All Praise the Name
Let All the Earth Cry Out
Let All Things Now Living
Let Heaven Rejoice
Let me be your servant
Let the King of Glory Come
Let the Lord Enter
Let the Valleys Be Raised
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Let us bring the gifts that differ
Let us build a house where love can dwell
Let us build the city of God
Let us ever glory in the cross of Christ
Let Us Go Rejoicing (B. Hurd)
Let Us Go Rejoicing (Harbor)
Let Us Go to the Altar
Let us live our lives so that all might see
Let us pray, dearly beloved, for the holy Church of God
Let Us See Your Kindness
Let us sing the praises of Mary
Let Us Sing to the Lord
Lift Every Voice and Sing
Lift High the Cross
Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates
Lift Up Your Hearts
Lift up, you gates, lift up your arches
Light of Christ, Burn Bright
Light, joy and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ
Like a Child Rests
Like a Deer That Longs
Like a Shepherd
Litany for Advent
Litany of Peace
Litany of the Saints (Becker)
Litany of the Saints (Chant)
Litany of the Word
Living Streams (Mass of Christ the Savior)
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
Long before the mountains came to be
Long have I waited for your coming
Longing for light, we wait in darkness
Look Beyond
Lord, be not far
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God
Lord of All Hopefulness
Lord, Come and Save Us
Lord, Every Nation
Lord, Have Mercy
Lord, have mercy (Becker)
Lord, have mercy (Chant - Litany of the Saints)
Lord, Have Mercy (Heritage Mass)
Lord, have mercy (Mass of Glory)
Lord, have mercy (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
Lord, Have Mercy (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene)
Lord, have mercy (Mass of the Resurrection)
Lord, have mercy (Misa Santa Fe)
Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison (Mass of Christ the Savior)
Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, Eleison (Mass of Renewal)
Lord, I Am Not Worthy That You Should Enter
Lord, Make Us Servants of Your Peace
Lord, Let Your Mercy
Lord, Make Us Turn to You (Keil)
Lord, on the day I called for help
Lord, This Is the People
Lord, We Adore You
Lord, Who at Thy First Eucharist
Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days
Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service
Lord, You Give the Great Commission
Lord, You Have the Words
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Love Goes On
Love Has Come
Love is patient, love is kind
Love One Another
Love, Burn Bright
Loving and Forgiving
Luke 1: Benedictus (Angrisano/Stephan)
Luke 1: Benedictus (B. Farrell)
Luke 1: Magnificat (B. Farrell)
Luke 1: Magnificat (Rubalcava)
Luke 1: My Soul Rejoices (Alstott)
Luke 2: Canticle of Simeon (DeBruyn)
Luke 2: Song of Simeon (Whitaker)
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Magnificat (Alstott)
Magnificat (B. Farrell)
Magnificat (Farrell)
Magnificat (NEW BRITAIN)
Magnificat (Rieth)
Magnificat (Rubalcava)
Magnificat (STAR OF THE COUNTY DOWN/Cooney)
Magnificat (Talbot)
Magnificat anima mea Dominum
Make me a channel of your peace
Make me an instrument of your peace
Make straight the road
Make Your Home in Me
Many and Great
Many and One
Mapapalad Kayo/Blessed Are You
Maranatha (Chiusano)
Maranatha (Westphal)
Maranatha, maranatha. Come, O Lord, and set us free (Prendergast/Modlin)
María, llena de gracia
María, Madre del Señor/O Holy Mary
María: Dulce Madre
Mary, Full of Grace/O Most Holy One
Mary, Sing with Joyful Heart (Ave Maria)
Mary, the Daystar
Mary’s Song
Mary’s Song (NEW BRITAIN)
Mass of Christ the Savior (Full Setting)
Mass of Creation (Full Setting)
Mass of Glory (Full Setting)
Mass of Renewal (Full Setting)
Mass of St. Mary Magdalene
Mass of the Resurrection (Full Setting)
May Angels Guide You/In Paradisum
May Christ find a dwelling place
May God be with you
May God Bless and Keep You
May the Angels Be Your Guide
May the Lord Accept the Sacrifice
May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil (Inwood)
May the Road Rise Up (Kendzia)
May the road rise up to meet you (Fabing)
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
Miracle of Grace
Misa Santa Fe (Full Setting)
Morning Has Broken
My God, My God (Manion)
My God, My God (T.R. Smith)
My God, My God, Come to My Aid (Cooney)
My heart shall sing of the day you bring
My Shepherd Is the Lord
My soul doth glory in your love, O Lord
My Soul Is Thirsting (Angrisano)
My Soul Is Thirsting for You (Bridge)
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord (Talbot)
My soul proclaims the Lord my God (NEW BRITAIN)
My Soul Rejoices
My Soul Thirsts (Schutte)
My stronghold, my savior, I shall not be afraid at all
New Creation
Night has turned into morning
Night of Silence
No Greater Love (Schoenbachler)
No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande (B. Hurd)
No Hay Amor Más Grande/No Greater Love (B. Hurd)
No storm can shake my inmost calm
No Temas Más/Be Not Afraid
Noche de paz, Noche de amor
Not by Bread Alone
Now Is the Time
Now is the time to wake from sleep
Now Thank We All Our God
Now the Green Blade Rises
Nunc Dimittis
O beautiful for spacious skies
O Beauty, Ever Ancient
O Bless the Lord (Michaels)
O Bless the Lord, My Soul (ST. THOMAS (WILLIAMS))
O Blessed Are Those
O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God
O come and sing to God, the Lord
O Come, All Ye Faithful
O Come, Divine Messiah
O Come, Little Children
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
O God beyond All Praising
O God, Almighty Father
O God, great is your love
O God, Let All the Nations
O God, my God, why have you abandoned me
O God, Our Help in Ages Past
O God, You Search Me
O Holy Mary
O Holy Mary/María, Madre del Señor
O How Blessed (The Beatitudes)
O how lovely is your dwelling place
O Jesus, we adore you
O let all who thirst, let them come to the water
O Little Town of Bethlehem
O Lord, have mercy on us all
O Lord, I Am Not Worthy
O Lord, I know you are near
O Lord, let my prayer rise before you like incense
O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder
O Lord, through all the length of days
O Lord, you are the center of my life
O Love of God/Amor de Dios
O Love of God Incarnate
O Loving God
O Most Holy One/Mary, Full of Grace
O My People
O Queen of Heaven/Regina Caeli
O Radiant Light
O Sacrament Most Holy
O Sacred Head (B. Hurd)
O Sacred Head, Surrounded (PASSION CHORALE)
O Sacrum Convivium
O Salutaris Hostia/O Saving Victim (DUGUET)
O Salutaris Hostia/O Saving Victim (WERNER)
O Sanctissima
O Saving Victim/Exposition (Stephan/Angrisano)
O Saving Victim/O Salutaris Hostia (DUGUET)
O Saving Victim/O Salutaris Hostia (WERNER)
Of the Father’s Love Begotten
Oh Dios, Crea en Mí/Create in Me
Oh, criaturas del Señor
Oh, late have I loved thee
Oh, Who Can Know the Mind of God
On Eagle’s Wings
On Jordan’s Bank
On the Day I Called
On this day all the earth and all paradise
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother
On This Day, the First of Days
Once in Royal David’s City
One Bread, One Body
One bread, one body, one cup, one call (Frenzel/Keil)
One day every tongue will confess you are God
One Day within Your Temple
One Lord
One Love Released
One Sacrifice of Christ
One Spirit, One Church
One thing I ask, this alone I seek
Only a Shadow
Only in God
Only This I Want
Open My Eyes/Abre Mis Ojos
Opening Verse: Invitatory
Oración de San Francisco/Prayer of St. Francis
Our Blessing Cup (B. Hurd)
Our Blessing-Cup (Cortez)
Our Blessing-Cup (Joncas)
Our Blessing-Cup (Soper)
Our Eyes Are Turned to the Lord
Our God Is Here/Dios Está Aquí
Our Life Is Hidden with Christ
Our lives are in your hands
Out of Darkness
Out of the Depths
Óyenos, Señor/Listen to Your People
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Padre, en Tus Manos/Father, into Your Hands (B. Hurd)
Palm Sunday Procession
Pan de Vida
Pan del Cielo/Bread from Heaven
Pange, Lingua, Gloriosi/Sing, My Tongue, the Savior’s Glory (Chant Setting)
Pange, Lingua, Gloriosi/Sing, My Tongue, the Savior’s Glory (Hymn Setting)
Panis Angelicus (Stephan)
Panis Angelicus/Holy and Living Bread (SACRIS SOLEMNIIS)
Para Amar como Tú
Parce Domine
Passion Acclamation
Pater Noster (Chant Mass)
Patience, People
Peace (Norbet/Weston Priory)
Peace I Leave with You (Bridge)
Peace Is Flowing like a River (Landry)
Penitential Act with Invocations
Penitential Act with Invocations (English Chant Mass)
Penitential Act with Invocations (Mass of Glory)
Penitential Act with Invocations (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
Penitential Act with Invocations (Mass of the Resurrection)
Penitential Act with Invocations (Misa Santa Fe)
Penitential Act: Dialogue
Pentecost Sequence (C. Walker)
Pentecost Sequence (Canedo)
Pentecost Sequence (Chant)
Pentecost Sequence (HYMN TO JOY)
Pentecost Sequence (Manalo)
People of God, see the morning is new
People, Look East
Perdona a tu pueblo, Señor
Post Consecrationem (Chant Mass)
Praise and honor to you (Belmont Mass)
Praise and honor to you, O Lord (Mass of Glory)
Praise and honor, honor and glory (Celtic Mass)
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise the Lord, My Soul
Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens
Praise to the Holiest in the Height
Praise to the Lord
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ (Mass of the Resurrection)
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Mass of the Resurrection)
Praise to You, O Christ, Our Savior
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
Prayer of St. Francis/Oración de San Francisco
Precious body, precious blood
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Preface Dialogue
Preface Dialogue (Exsultet)
Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds
Proclamation of Light
Psalm 16: Keep Me Safe, O God (Inwood)
Psalm 16: The Path of Life (Soper)
Psalm 16: You Are My Inheritance (Bridge)
Psalm 19: Lord, You Have the Words (Joncas)
Psalm 19: Your Words, Lord, Are Spirit and Life (B. Hurd)
Psalm 22: My God, My God (Manion)
Psalm 22: My God, My God (T.R. Smith)
Psalm 23: My Shepherd Is the Lord (Gelineau)
Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd (Hart)
Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd (Reza)
Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd/I Shall Live in the House of the Lord (Crandal)
Psalm 25: I Lift Up My Soul (Manion)
Psalm 25: To You, O Lord (Joncas)
Psalm 25: To You, O Lord (Soper)
Psalm 27: The Goodness of the Lord (Soper)
Psalm 27: The Lord Is My Light (DeBruyn)
Psalm 29: The Lord Will Bless His People with Peace (Canter)
Psalm 30: I Will Praise You, Lord (Inwood)
Psalm 31: Father, I Put My Life in Your Hands (Talbot)
Psalm 33: Lord, Let Your Mercy (Dufford)
Psalm 33: The Lord Fills the Earth with His Love (Inwood)
Psalm 34: I Will Always Thank the Lord (Soper)
Psalm 34: Taste and See (Dean)
Psalm 34: Taste and See (Talbot)
Psalm 40: Here I Am/God, My God, Come to My Aid (Cooney)
Psalm 42 (O WALY WALY)
Psalm 42/43: As the Deer Longs (B. Hurd)
Psalm 42/43: Like a Deer That Longs/My Soul Is Thirsting for You (Bridge)
Psalm 45: The Queen Stands (Keil)
Psalm 47: God Mounts His Throne (Inwood)
Psalm 51: Be Merciful, O Lord (Angrisano)
Psalm 51: Create in Me (B. Hurd)
Psalm 51: Create in Me (Cortés)
Psalm 51: Create in Me (Kendzia)
Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting/As Morning Breaks (Angrisano)
Psalm 63: My Soul Thirsts (Schutte)
Psalm 66: Let All the Earth Cry Out (Cooney)
Psalm 67: O God, Let All the Nations (T.R. Smith)
Psalm 72: Justice Shall Flourish/Lord, Every Nation (Cooney)
Psalm 80: The Vineyard of the Lord/Lord, Make Us Turn to You (Keil)
Psalm 84: How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place (Joncas)
Psalm 85: Let Us See Your Kindness (MacAller)
Psalm 89: For Ever I Will Sing (Schoenbachler)
Psalm 90: In Every Age (T.R. Smith)
Psalm 91: Be with Me (Haugen)
Psalm 91: Be with Me, Lord (Joncas)
Psalm 95 (Prayer in the Morning)
Psalm 95: If Today You Hear His Voice (Soper)
Psalm 96: Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds (T.R. Smith)
Psalm 96: Today Our Savior Is Born (Cortez)
Psalm 97: The Lord Is King (Cooney)
Psalm 98: All the Ends of the Earth/The Lord Has Revealed (B. Hurd)
Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Manalo)
Psalm 104: Send Forth Your Spirit, O Lord (C. Walker)
Psalm 116: Our Blessing-Cup (Cortez)
Psalm 116: Our Blessing-Cup (Joncas)
Psalm 116: Our Blessing-Cup/I Will Walk with the Lord/The Cup of Salvation (Soper)
Psalm 117: Go Out to All the World (Canter)
Psalm 118: Give Thanks to the Lord (T.R. Smith)
Psalm 118: This Is the Day (Joncas)
Psalm 118: This Is the Day (Soper)
Psalm 122: Let Us Go Rejoicing (B. Hurd)
Psalm 122: Let Us Go Rejoicing (Harbor)
Psalm 126: The Lord Has Done Great Things (Cortez)
Psalm 128: O Blessed Are Those (Inwood)
Psalm 130: Out of the Depths (Soper)
Psalm 130: With the Lord There Is Mercy (Modlin)
Psalm 138: On the Day I Called (Cooney)
Psalm 145: I Will Praise Your Name/The Hand of the Lord Feeds Us (Soper)
Psalmody: Psalm 63
Psalmody: Psalm 141
Puer Natus in Bethlehem
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Que Dios te Bendiga
Qué niño es éste que al dormir
Rain Down
Ready the Way (B. Hurd)
Ready the Way (Stephan)
Receive her/his soul (LONDONDERRY AIR)
Receive her/his soul (Krueger)
Regina Caeli (Hymn Setting)
Regina Caeli/O Queen of Heaven (Chant Setting)
Rejoice and be glad (L. Montgomery)
Rejoice and be glad (Schutte)
Rejoice, the Lord Is King
Remember Your Love
Restless Is the Heart
Resucitó/He Is Risen
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow
Risen Lord, pattern or our life for ever
River of Glory
Roll Away the Stone
Sacred Silence
Saints and Beloved of God
Saints of God
Salvador del Mundo (Save Us, Savior) (Misa Santa Fe)
Salve, Regina (Chant Setting)
Salve, Regina (Hymn Setting)
Sanctus (Chant Mass)
Santo (Holy) (Misa Santa Fe)
Santo Espíritu, Ven/Holy Spirit, Come Now
Save Us, O Lord
Save Us, Savior
Save Us, Savior (Belmont Mass)
Save Us, Savior (Heritage Mass)
Save Us, Savior (Mass of Christ the Savior)
Save Us, Savior (Mass of Glory)
Save Us, Savior (Mass of Renewal)
Save Us, Savior (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
Save Us, Savior (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene)
Save Us, Savior (Mass of the Resurrection)
Save Us, Savior (Misa Santa Fe)
Save Your People
Savior of the Nations, Come
Say to the Frightened Heart
Sé Nuestra Luz/Christ, Be Our Light
See Amid the Winter’s Snow
See How the Virgin Waits
See Us, Lord, About Your Altar
See, I Make All Things New
Seed, Scattered and Sown
Seek the Lord
Seek Ye First
Send Forth Your Spirit, O Lord
Send Out Your Spirit (B. Farrell)
Send Us Your Spirit (Schutte)
Señor, danos tu amor
Seńor, ten piedad (Misa Santa Fe)
Señor, ten piedad de nosotros
Sent Forth by God’s Blessing
Servant Song
Shall We Gather at the River
Shelter Me, O God
Shepherd Me, O God
Shepherd of Souls
Shout with gladness dance with joy
Si yo, que soy el Maestro y el Señor
Signed by Ashes
Signing of the Senses
Silent Night
Sing a Joyful Song
Sing a New Song
Sing of Mary
Sing to the Mountains
Sing with All the Saints in Glory
Sing, My Tongue, the Savior's Glory/Down in Adoration Falling
Sing, My Tongue, the Savior’s Glory (PANGE LINGUA GLORIOSI)
Sing, My Tongue, the Savior’s Glory/Pange, Lingua, Gloriosi (Chant Setting)
Sing, My Tongue, the Savior’s Glory/Pange, Lingua, Gloriosi (Hymn Setting)
Sing, O Sing
So we rise with him each morning
Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling
Somebody’s Knockin’ at Your Door
Song for Ascension
Song of Farewell (OLD HUNDREDTH)
Song of Farewell (Krueger)
Song of Mary
Song of Simeon
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
Soon and Very Soon
Soul of My Savior
Spare Your People, Lord
Spirit and Grace
Springs of Water, Bless the Lord
Springs of water, bless the Lord (English Chant Mass)
Stabat Mater Dolorosa/At the Cross Her Station Keeping
Stand by Me
Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht
Sublime gracia del Señor
Summoned by the God who made us
Supper of the Lamb
Sweet Sacrament, we thee adore
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Table of Plenty
Take and Eat
Take my heart, O Lord, take my hopes and dreams
Take the Word and go out to ev'ry land
Take the Word of God with You
Take Up Your Cross (Cortez)
Take Up Your Cross (ERHALT UNS, HERR)
Tantum Ergo (Hymn Setting)
Tantum Ergo/Down in Adoration Falling (Chant Setting)
Taste and See (Angrisano)
Taste and See (B. Hurd)
Taste and See (Dean)
Taste and See (Kendzia)
Taste and See (Moore)
Taste and See (Talbot)
Taste and See/Gusten y Vean (Reza)
Te Alabamos, Señor
Te Deum (Schutte)
Tell the Good News
Ten Thousand Reasons
Tend the Ground
Thanks Be to God
Thanksgiving for the Light
The Advent of Our King
The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came
The Beatitudes
The Body of Christ
The Church’s One Foundation
The Cry of the Poor
The Cup of Salvation
The Day of Resurrection
The Day You Gave Us, Lord, Is Ended
The Easter Proclamation (Exsultet): Dialogue
The Eyes and Hands of Christ
The Feast Meant for Everyone
The First Nowell
The Glory of These Forty Days
The God of All Grace
The Goodness of the Lord
The Hand of the Lord Feeds Us
The Heavens are telling the glory of God
The House That Love Is Building
The Jesus Song
The King of Glory
The King of Kings, Christ Jesus Reigns
The King of Love My Shepherd Is
The King Shall Come (Thomson)
The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns (MORNING SONG)
The Light of Christ (English Chant Mass)
The Lord be with you (English Chant Mass)
The Lord Fills the Earth with His Love
The Lord Has Done Great Things
The Lord Has Revealed
The Lord hears the cry of the poor
The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Manalo)
The Lord Is King
The Lord Is My Hope
The Lord Is My Light (C. Walker)
The Lord Is My Light (DeBruyn)
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Alstott)
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Crandal)
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Hart)
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Reza)
The Lord Jesus
The Lord Will Bless His People with Peace
The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer (Chant)
The Lord’s Prayer (Chant/Snow)
The love we have for you, O Lord, is only a shadow of your love for us
The Path of Life
The Queen Stands
The Renewal of Baptismal Promises (English Chant Mass)
The Servant Song
The Showing of the Holy Cross (English Chant Mass)
The Snow Lay on the Ground
The Solemn Intercessions
The Spirit Sends Us Forth
The Strife Is O’er
The Summons
The Supper of the Lord
The Table of the Lord
The Vineyard of the Lord
The wheat grows from springtime to fall
Then I saw a new earth, a new heaven
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee
There can be no greater love
There Is a Balm in Gilead
There Is a Longing
There Is a Season
There is healing at the table of the Lord
There is one Lord, there is one faith
There will be no more darkness
There's a star in the East on Christmas morn
There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy
These Alone Are Enough
They have been saying
They’ll Know We Are Christians
This Alone
This Day God Gives Me
This Day Was Made by the Lord
This Is My Song
This Is the Day (Fisher)
This Is the Wood/Mirad la Cruz
This Is the Day (Joncas)
This Is the Day (Soper)
This is the feast of victory for our God
This is the night of new beginnings
Those who were in the dark are thankful for the sunlight
Though Not Seeing You
Though the Mountains May Fall
Three Days (McKinley)
Three Days (THAXTED)
’Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here
To everything there is a season
To God Be Praise and Glory
To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King
To Live with Him Forever
To Serve Is to Reign
To You, O God, I Lift Up My Soul
To you, O God, our Father (Schutte)
To You, O Lord (Alstott)
To You, O Lord (Joncas)
To You, O Lord (Soper)
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul, O my God (Manion)
Today Is Born Our Savior/Alleluia (Inwood)
Today Our Savior Is Born (Cortez)
Transfigure Us, O Lord
Triumph, all ye cherubim
Turn to Me
Two Were Bound for Emmaus
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Ubi Caritas (B. Hurd)
Ubi Caritas (Benoit)
Ubi Caritas (Chant)
Ubi Caritas (Rosania)
Ubi Caritas (Rubalcava)
Ubi Caritas (Schutte)
Un Niño Nos Ha Nacido/A Child Is Born unto Us
Un pan, un cuerpo, un solo Señor
Under the sun, there is a season
Unless a Grain of Wheat (B. Farrell)
Unless a Grain of Wheat (B. Hurd)
Ustedes Sacarán Agua
Ven al Banquete/Come to the Feast
Ven con nosotros a caminar
Ven, Espíritu, Santo Espíritu, ven
Veni Sancte Spiritus (B. Hurd)
Veni Sancte Spiritus (C. Walker)
Veni Sancte Spiritus (HYMN TO JOY)
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Manalo)
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Schutte)
Veni Sancte Spiritus/Come, O Holy Spirit, Come (Chant)
Veni, Creator Spiritus (Keil)
Veni, Creator Spiritus (LAMBILLOTTE)
Veni, Creator Spiritus (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)
Veni, Creator Spiritus/Come, Creator! Come, Spirit Blessed (Chant)
Victimae Paschali Laudes (DeBruyn)
Victimae Paschali Laudes (VICTIMAE PASCHALI)
Victimae Paschali Laudes/Christians, to the Paschal Victim (Chant)
Vine and Branches
Wade in the Water
Waiting in Silence
Wake from Your Sleep
Wake, O Wake, and Sleep No Longer
Water of Life
Water of Life (Dean)
We Adore Your Cross
We are a pilgrim people
We are companions on the journey
We are gathered at table as one in the Lord
We Are Many Parts
We are many, yet we are one
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
We Are the Body of Christ/Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo
We Are the Light of the World
We Belong to You
We Gather Together
We hold a treasure, not made of gold
We plow the fields and scatter the good seed on the land
We praise you, praise your holy name
We Proclaim Your Death
We Proclaim Your Death (Belmont Mass)
We Proclaim Your Death (Heritage Mass)
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Christ the Savior)
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Glory)
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Renewal)
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene)
We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of the Resurrection)
We Remember
We rise again from ashes
We Shall Draw Water
We Shall Rise Again
We Three Kings
We till the earth, we tend the ground
We Walk by Faith
We Will Find God/Ubi Caritas
We will gather at the water
We will go forth to serve the Lord
We’ve Come This Far by Faith
Were You There
What Child Is This
What do you want of me, Lord
What Feast of Love
What Star Is This
What Wondrous Love Is This
Whatsoever You Do
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
When Jesus Comes to Be Baptized (WINCHESTER NEW)
When Jesus Comes to Jordan’s Stream (McKinley/Joncas)
When Love Is Found
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
When the darkness closes in, Come, Lord Jesus
When the storms of life are raging
When We Eat This Bread
When We Eat This Bread (Belmont Mass)
When We Eat This Bread (Heritage Mass)
When We Eat This Bread (Mass of Christ the Savior)
When We Eat This Bread (Mass of Creation)
When We Eat This Bread (Mass of Glory)
When We Eat This Bread (Mass of Renewal)
When We Eat This Bread (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
When We Eat This Bread (Mass of St. Mary Magdalene)
When We Eat This Bread (Mass of the Resurrection)
When We Eat This Bread (Michael Joncas)
When We Eat This Bread/Al Partir el Pan (Rubalcava)
Where Charity and Love Abound/Donde Hay Amor y Caridad (Rubalcava)
Where Charity and Love Prevail (Benoit)
Where Love Is Found (Schutte)
Where My Father Lives
Where two or three are gathered in my name
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night
Who Is the Crucified?
Who is this who lives with the lowly
Will you come and follow me if I but call your name
Will you let me be your servant
With All the Saints
With Ashes and Sorrow/Con Estas Cenizas, Señor
With heart and hand and soul and voice
With One Voice
With one voice the angels sing
With Open Hands
With the Lord There Is Mercy
With These Ashes
Wood of the Cross
Word became flesh, now flesh becomes the word
Word made flesh
Word of God, Come Down on Earth
Word of God, enthroned
Word of justice, Alleluia, Come to dwell here
Word of Our God
Worthy Is the Lamb
Ye Sons and Daughters
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
Yes, we’ll gather at the river
You Alone
You Are My Inheritance
You Are My Refuge
You Are Near
You Are the Healing
You Are the Light
You Are Welcome Here
You Gather In the Outcast
You Have Called Us
You know my heart
You satisfy the hungry heart
You shall cross the barren desert
You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord
You Will Draw Water Joyfully
You will show me the path of life
Your burden’s light and your yoke is easy
Your Grace Is Enough
Your Words Are Spirit and Life (B. Farrell)
Your Words, Lord, Are Spirit and Life (B. Hurd)
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