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New for Breaking Bread in 2017

The 2017 Breaking Bread features an exciting selection of new music. Most notably we’ve added Belmont Mass, by Christopher Walker. Easy to learn and sing, this simple, beautiful, chant-style setting brings the total number of Masses in the missal to 12.

Other highlights include two songs by renowned British composer Bernadette Farrell from her recent collection Love Goes On. The beloved WERNER setting of “O Saving Victim/O Salutaris Hostia” was added for those more familiar with that tune. This is in addition to the DUGUET setting that remains in Breaking Bread.

The praise and worship song “10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)” by Myrin/Redman, which has exploded in popularity around the country, has also been added. “O How Blessed” is a welcome new setting of the Beatitudes by Dan Schutte. Other new music includes a hymn in traditional style by Paul Inwood and contemporary songs by Tom Booth, Jaime Cortez, Tom Kendzia, Jesse Manibusan, Timothy R. Smith, and many others.

10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) | Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman

Belmont Mass | Christopher Walker

Blessed and Holy | Bernadette Farrell

Daniel 3: Glory and Praise for Ever | Timothy R. Smith

Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord | Paul Inwood

Gracious God | Jesse Manibusan

May the Road Rise Up | Tom Kendzia

O Holy Mary/Maria, Madre del Señor | Owen Alstott

O How Blessed | Dan Schutte

O Saving Victim/O Salutaris Hostia | WERNER

Prayer of St. Francis/Oracion de San Francisco | Sebastian Temple

Renew Me, Lord | Bernadette Farrell

Take Up Your Cross | Jaime Cortez

The Jesus Song | Tom Booth