Frequently Asked Questions
We have collected the most common customer questions and provided answers below.
What's included in Catálogo Musical Digital?
Keyboard and guitar accompaniments for 150 Spanish and bilingual songs, as well as music and lyrics for the assembly and audio files are included. This collection of liturgically sound music can be found in OCP resources like Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ, Flor y Canto, Tercera Edición and Misal del Día.
What Mass Settings are included?
Misa del Pueblo Inmigrante and Misa San José are included.
Can I use these songs in Catholic liturgy?
Yes. This is a collection of songs that can be used for entrance, offertory, Communion and other parts of the Mass.
Do I need a music reproduction license to reproduce the music in Catálogo Musical Digital?
A license is required when printing or projecting music for use by the assembly. This can be obtained through ONE LICENSE.
Do I have to report usage?
Yes. Usage reporting for worship aid and projection use should be done through ONE LICENSE.
Can I project songs from Catálogo Musical Digital?
Yes. All of the music files needed for projection are included in this digital library, but you will need a license to project songs. This can be obtained through ONE LICENSE.
If my parish or school is hosting an off-site event can I use the content from Catálogo Musical Digital?
Yes, as long as the event is primarily sponsored by the subscribing parish or school. Diocesan or regional events would require a separate subscription or license, available through ONE LICENSE.
We have multiple music directors is it possible to allow multiple people to access our subscription?
Up to 10 music planners can be added to the account to plan music and share accompaniment and assembly music. Music used in rites, rituals and the liturgy can be shared with anyone in your music ministry.
How many copies of the music can I print?
There is no limit to the number of copies members of your music ministry can print. However, a license is required when printing or projecting music for use by the assembly. This can be obtained through ONE LICENSE.
How do I share songs with other members of my parish, school or organization?
“My Lists” allows you to group songs and create customized lists for a specific service, season or rehearsal. Once a list is created, click on the list name, and a shareable link will appear on the right. This can be sent to members of your church, school or organization.
Can I use with Catálogo Musical Digital?
Yes. If you have a subscription, you can plan music there and use the "Create My List" feature. You can email this out with your completed music outline. This makes it easy for members of your music ministry to receive the full Mass outline for Sunday with an easy link to download whatever sheet music they need.
How much does it cost?
An annual subscription is $49/year.